DSVR-01419 [8K VR] Locked Room Confession Love With A junior Is in the swimming club. While we were making out 2 times,Even Though There Are People On

Movie Information:

ID Code: DSVR-01419

Release Date: 16/01/2024

Category: Censored , Big boob , Slut , Swimming Club , VR , Secret Sex , Sport , Locked Room

Actress: Amateur


Studio Label: SOD Create

Online stream:



In the heart of Shizuka High School, where the echoes of youthful energy reverberated through the hallways, there existed a place that held a unique charm for the members of the girls' swimming club – the sanctuary they affectionately called the Aqua Haven. It wasn't just the pristine pool or the rigorous training sessions that defined their camaraderie; it was the locker room, a haven of relaxation, laughter, and the cherished moments that followed each swim.

The Aqua Haven was a space where chlorine-scented air mingled with the infectious enthusiasm of the high school girls. The locker room, adorned with pictures of victorious swim meets and handmade decorations, bore witness to the journey of the swimming club. Its walls seemed to absorb the laughter, the shared dreams, and the unspoken bonds that formed among the athletes who called it home.

At the heart of this vibrant space was Mizuki Aoki, the spirited captain of the girls' swimming club. Mizuki, with her infectious smile and unwavering dedication, had transformed the locker room into more than just a place to change into swimsuits. It was a retreat, a respite where the athletes could shed the weight of the day and immerse themselves in the camaraderie that fueled their passion for swimming.

After a grueling practice session, the girls would gather in the Aqua Haven, their laughter blending with the sound of water droplets cascading from wet hair. The room, filled with the aroma of chlorine and the warmth of shared experiences, became a cocoon of comfort amid the rigors of high school life.

As the girls changed out of their swimsuits and into their school uniforms, the locker room transformed into a canvas of vibrant conversations. The sound of hairdryers and the clatter of locker doors provided a rhythmic backdrop to the stories that unfolded. Mizuki, with her natural leadership, fostered an environment where every girl felt valued and accepted.

One day, as the girls prepared to leave the Aqua Haven after a particularly intense training session, Mizuki gathered them around with a mischievous glint in her eye. "I have a surprise for you all," she announced, her enthusiasm contagious.

Curiosity sparked among the club members as Mizuki revealed a stack of plush towels adorned with the club's emblem. Each towel, a symbol of their shared journey, carried a personalized touch – the girls' names embroidered in vibrant colors. The locker room buzzed with excitement as the girls admired their new treasures.

"These towels are more than just a gift," Mizuki declared. "They're a reminder of the bonds we've forged in this locker room, the victories we've celebrated, and the challenges we've overcome together. Let's carry a piece of the Aqua Haven with us wherever we go."

The towels became a cherished emblem, a token that symbolized the unity of the swimming club. From that day forward, the girls would unfurl their personalized towels with pride, not just as a practical accessory, but as a tangible link to the Aqua Haven and the friendships that blossomed within its walls.

Beyond the towels, Mizuki introduced another tradition to the locker room – the "Dream Board." A corkboard adorned with pictures, motivational quotes, and the dreams of each club member, it became a collective vision board that fueled their aspirations. The girls would gather around the board, sharing their dreams of breaking records, competing in championships, and, most importantly, supporting each other every stroke of the way.

As the days turned into weeks, the locker room evolved into a microcosm of shared dreams and mutual support. The Aqua Haven wasn't just a place for physical preparation; it was a space where the girls found emotional encouragement and a listening ear. The struggles of high school life, the pressures of academics, and the challenges of adolescence all faded away within the welcoming embrace of the Aqua Haven.

One particular evening, after an exhilarating swim meet, the girls returned to the locker room with a sense of accomplishment. The air buzzed with excitement as they shared stories of their individual achievements. Mizuki, observing the jubilant atmosphere, decided to initiate a impromptu celebration.

"Let's have a locker room potluck!" Mizuki suggested, her eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. "Each of us brings a dish, and we'll feast together right here in the Aqua Haven."

The idea caught on like wildfire, and soon the locker room was adorned with an array of homemade dishes, snacks, and treats. The girls, still in their swimsuits and surrounded by the symbols of their shared victories, sat in a circle and indulged in a feast of friendship.

The Aqua Haven, once a space purely for functional purposes, now transcended its utilitarian origins. It was a testament to the power of camaraderie, resilience, and the unspoken understanding that bound the girls of the swimming club. As they shared laughter, exchanged stories, and savored the flavors of their collective success, the locker room became a sanctuary of celebration.

As high school life continued its whirlwind dance, the Aqua Haven remained a constant for the girls of the swimming club. It witnessed the tears shed after defeats, the triumphant cheers of victories, and the unwavering support that flowed among teammates. The locker room, with its humble charm and the aura of shared dreams, became a cornerstone of the girls' high school experience.

Upon graduation, as the senior members bid farewell to the Aqua Haven, Mizuki passed on the leadership to a new captain. The personalized towels, the Dream Board, and the locker room potlucks persisted as cherished traditions. The Aqua Haven, though physically unassuming, became an eternal legacy, a place where the essence of the swimming club endured beyond individual seasons.

Years later, as Mizuki revisited Shizuka High School, she couldn't help but smile as she passed by the familiar entrance to the Aqua Haven. The room, though occupied by a new generation of swimmers, still radiated the same sense of camaraderie, support, and shared dreams.

The locker room, with its humble origins, had become a timeless sanctuary – a haven where high school girls could relax after training, but more importantly, a space where they forged friendships that would endure the currents of time. The Aqua Haven, with its enduring spirit, continued to echo the laughter, dreams, and unwavering bonds of the girls who once called it home./