NKKVR-084 【VR】 An Outstanding Pervert Mom Treats Her Growing Son Every Morning With "Its Good, Good, Good"! ! Sweaty & Shiny More Intense Sex VR. Saku

Movie Information:

ID Code: NKKVR-084

Release Date: 20/02/2024

Category: Censored , Big boob , Slut , Soapland , VR , OIL SEX , Cum Swallow

Actress: Kashiwagi Riko


Studio Label: Meat Kyun Paradise V

Online stream:



In the quiet suburbs, nestled amidst the tranquility of cherry blossoms and the soft rustle of leaves, Kashiwagi Riko embodied the essence of a devoted mother. Her days unfolded with a rhythm of care, and her unwavering love for her son, Yuuto, manifested in a unique and heartwarming ritual—one that went beyond the conventional expressions of maternal affection.

Riko, with her warm smile and gentle demeanor, found solace in the art of massage. The therapeutic touch became a language of love, a means through which she could convey not just physical relief but also emotional support to her son. It was a ritual that unfolded in the sanctuary of their home, a haven where stress and worries melted away under the caress of Riko's capable hands.

The tradition began organically, born out of Riko's instinctive desire to provide comfort to Yuuto. In the evenings, as the day's demands weighed on her son's shoulders, Riko would invite him to a quiet space in their home—an oasis adorned with soft lighting and the soothing aroma of lavender. It was a space where mother and son could connect beyond the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

The massage sessions, however, held a unique touch. Riko, armed with a bottle of aromatic oil and a heart full of love, guided Yuuto into a state of relaxation. The choice of oil, carefully selected for its soothing properties, became the vessel through which Riko channeled her nurturing energy. The scent of lavender, mingling with the warmth of the oil, created an ambiance of tranquility.

As Yuuto settled onto the massage table, Riko's hands began their dance—a rhythmic symphony that echoed the unspoken language of a mother's love. The strokes were deliberate, tracing the contours of tension that lurked beneath the surface. With each movement, Riko's touch became a conduit for the release of stress, a gentle unraveling of the knots that bound her son's weary spirit.

The room, bathed in the soft glow of ambient light, became a cocoon of serenity. Riko, with a mother's intuition, identified the areas that held the weight of Yuuto's burdens—the shoulders, the neck, the small of the back. Her hands, guided by an innate understanding, wove a tapestry of comfort that transcended the physical realm.

As the massage progressed, Riko infused the ritual with a unique mantra—a simple yet powerful refrain that became the heartbeat of their shared moments. "Good, good, good," she would murmur softly, the words a lullaby of encouragement that resonated with the rhythmic strokes of her hands. The mantra, spoken with an unwavering belief in her son's resilience, became a balm for his soul.

In those moments, as the massage continued, a quiet dialogue unfolded between mother and son. The unspoken worries, the stresses of the day, found a channel of expression through the language of touch. Riko, with her hands and her reassuring words, became the beacon that guided Yuuto through the ebbs and flows of life.

The massage sessions, far from being a mere physical indulgence, evolved into a sacred space for emotional connection. Riko's touch became a bridge between their hearts, a tangible reminder that, in the sanctuary of home, unconditional love flowed through the simple act of care. The words "good, good, good" were not just an affirmation of the massage; they were a testament to the unwavering support that Riko offered her son.

Yuuto, in the embrace of his mother's love, felt a gradual release of tension—a cathartic unburdening that extended beyond the physical realm. Riko, attuned to the subtle cues of her son's well-being, adjusted the intensity of her touch, creating an ebb and flow that mirrored the rhythm of their shared connection.

The massage sessions became a ritual of renewal—a gesture that went beyond the surface to touch the core of Yuuto's being. Riko, with her nurturing touch and encouraging words, fostered an environment where her son could not only find physical relief but also recharge his spirit for the challenges that lay ahead.

As the massage sessions concluded, Riko would often share a quiet moment with Yuuto, the room enveloped in a serene afterglow. The echoes of the mantra lingered in the air, a reminder that, within the walls of their home, the language of love was spoken through the artful strokes of a mother's hands.

In the gentle aftermath of the massage, as Yuuto emerged from the cocoon of relaxation, he would exchange a grateful glance with Riko. The unspoken bond forged in those moments spoke of a love that transcended the ordinary—a connection that found expression not in grand gestures but in the tender minutiae of their shared rituals.

In the tapestry of their lives, the massage sessions became a thread—a thread woven with the essence of care, understanding, and the enduring warmth of a mother's love. As Riko looked at her son, revitalized and embraced by the serenity of their shared sanctuary, she knew that, in the language of love, spoken through the art of massage, they had discovered a timeless expression of the heart—a ritual that would continue to be a source of comfort and connection for years to come./