PRVR-074 [VR] It Is Convenient To Exchange Body Fluids With My Mistress Subordinate Relationship-Creampie SEX That Can Ejaculate Simultaneously While

Movie Information:

ID Code: PRVR-074

Release Date: 17/08/2023

Category: Censored , Office Lady , Beautiful Girl , Cuckold , VR , Cum Swallow , Shared Room Sex

Actress: Ozaki Erika


Studio Label: Premium

Online stream:



In the dazzling world of corporate success and elegant evenings, fate had bestowed upon me a remarkable opportunity – a chance to be in the enchanting company of Erika Ozaki, the top madonna of our company. Her reputation as a paragon of beauty and grace had preceded her, and I must admit, I was both excited and nervous as I prepared for our dinner date.

As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden hue over the city, I found myself standing before the entrance of a renowned restaurant. Erika arrived, a vision of elegance, her poise and confidence radiating an aura that could captivate even the most jaded of hearts. Her presence alone seemed to transform the surroundings into a realm of heightened enchantment.

Our conversation flowed effortlessly, words weaving a tapestry of shared interests, ambitions, and dreams. Erika's laughter, like tinkling bells, echoed through the air, creating a symphony that accompanied the delectable cuisine before us. Time seemed to lose its meaning as the hours melted away, each course a chapter in the story of our unforgettable evening.

Erika's stories, filled with wisdom and insight, held me captive. Her journey to the pinnacle of success was nothing short of inspiring, and I found myself hanging on to every word, a student eager to absorb the lessons of life she imparted. Yet, amidst the tales of triumph, her vulnerability surfaced, a glimpse into the human behind the illustrious persona.

As the night deepened and the stars emerged in the velvet sky, Erika's eyes held a certain softness. It was as if, in that moment, the barriers that often shielded her from the world had dissolved, revealing the woman beneath the title. Our gazes locked, and in that exchange, I felt a connection that transcended the boundaries of mere acquaintanceship.

With a heart full of gratitude, I realized that the dinner date had transformed into something far greater than a mere meal. It was a shared experience, a journey of discovery, and an exploration of the possibility of a deeper connection. The world around us seemed to blur, the symphony of laughter and whispered conversations cocooning us in a realm of its own.

As the night drew to a close, the lingering reluctance was palpable – an unspoken desire for the moment to stretch into eternity. With a promise to meet again, we bid each other farewell, our steps echoing in tandem as we walked away from the enchanting evening.

In the days that followed, the memory of that dinner date remained imprinted in my mind. Erika Ozaki, the embodiment of grace and allure, had not only captured my attention but had also ignited a spark of something deeper – a yearning to delve into the unknown, to explore the uncharted territories of companionship and affection.

And so, as the city continued to bustle around me, I found myself replaying the moments, reliving the conversations, and eagerly awaiting the chance for our paths to cross once more. The dinner date with Erika Ozaki had indeed become an eternal memory, a chapter in the story of our lives that I never wanted to end./