VRKM-01120 [VR] Dating Tomboy Girlfriend With An Age Difference Of 20 Years. And In The First Sex, And The Gap Is Better As She Cums Continuously Koko

Movie Information:

ID Code: VRKM-01120

Release Date: 30/09/2023

Category: Censored , College Student , Virtual Girlfriend , VR , Gals , Beautiful Legs

Actress: Hoshinaka Kokomi


Studio Label: K.M.Produce

Online stream:



In the vibrant heart of Tokyo, where the neon lights flickered like stars in the night sky, lived a young woman named Kokomi Hoshinaka. She was a dazzling figure, known in the bustling streets for her bold fashion choices and her magnetic presence. Kokomi was a Japanese Gal, unapologetically confident, and her aura drew people in like a powerful magnet.

Despite her popularity among the younger crowd, there was a secret she held close to her heart, known only to a select few. Kokomi was in love, deeply and truly, with a man twenty years her senior. His name was Kazuki, a distinguished architect with a salt-and-pepper beard and a twinkle in his eyes that had captured her heart.

Their love story had begun when Kokomi had started working part-time at a cozy little café tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. Kazuki, a regular patron, would often visit the café to savor his favorite espresso. The first time their eyes met across the counter, a spark of connection had ignited between them.

Kokomi, with her vibrant pink hair and stylish clothing, was unlike anyone Kazuki had ever met. She was a burst of energy in his otherwise structured life. He was drawn to her vivacity, her zest for life, and her unapologetic individuality. Kokomi, in turn, was captivated by his wisdom, his gentle demeanor, and the way he appreciated the beauty in simple moments.

Their connection deepened as they engaged in long conversations over cups of coffee. They spoke about art, architecture, literature, and life itself. Their age difference became irrelevant as they found common ground in their shared passions and interests.

One cool autumn evening, as the café's lights cast a warm glow over their table, Kazuki reached across and held Kokomi's hand. "Kokomi," he said softly, "I want you to know that I've fallen in love with you. Age is just a number, and I can't imagine my life without you in it."

Kokomi's heart soared with emotion, and she looked into Kazuki's eyes with tears of happiness. "Kazuki," she replied, "I love you too, and I don't care about the age difference. What we have is special, and I want to be with you."

Their love blossomed, and they embarked on a journey that transcended the confines of age and societal norms. They attended art exhibitions together, explored hidden cafes, and strolled hand in hand through Tokyo's enchanting streets. Each day was a celebration of their unique connection, a testament to the idea that love knows no boundaries.

As their relationship deepened, Kokomi introduced Kazuki to her circle of friends, who were initially surprised by the age difference but soon came to appreciate the genuine love and respect that the couple shared. Kokomi's friends recognized that her happiness was paramount, and they embraced Kazuki as a beloved member of their tight-knit group.

In turn, Kazuki introduced Kokomi to his more reserved circle of friends, many of whom had raised eyebrows at first. However, as they got to know Kokomi, they saw the way she brought joy and vibrancy into Kazuki's life. Her youthful energy was a beautiful complement to his wisdom and maturity.

Despite societal stereotypes and the occasional judgmental glances from strangers, Kokomi and Kazuki's love endured. They found solace in the sanctuary of their shared love, a love that was built on mutual respect, trust, and a deep connection that transcended age.

One summer afternoon, Kazuki took Kokomi on a surprise trip to Kyoto, a city steeped in history and romance. They wandered through ancient temples, their hands entwined as they marveled at the beauty of the traditional architecture and serene gardens. Under the shade of cherry blossoms, Kazuki dropped to one knee and proposed to Kokomi, their love story reaching a new milestone.

With joyful tears in her eyes, Kokomi accepted his proposal, sealing their love with a promise to spend the rest of their lives together. It was a moment of pure happiness, a testament to the enduring power of love that knew no age, boundaries, or societal expectations.

Their wedding day was a celebration of their unique love story, attended by family and friends who had come to embrace their bond. Kokomi walked down the aisle in a beautiful, pink wedding gown, her eyes locked on Kazuki, who waited at the altar with a smile that spoke of a love that had only grown stronger with time.

As they exchanged vows, Kokomi spoke from the heart. "Kazuki," she said, "our love has shown me that age is just a number, and that true love knows no boundaries. I promise to cherish every moment we share and to stand by your side through all the seasons of life."

Kazuki, his voice filled with emotion, replied, "Kokomi, you are my muse, my love, and my life's greatest adventure. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in all your dreams, and to cherish every day we spend together."

Their love story was a testament to the idea that love, in all its forms, was a powerful force that could overcome any obstacle. Kokomi and Kazuki's love knew no age, and their journey together was a reminder that love, at its core, was a bond that transcended the boundaries of time and circumstance, a force that could create a beautiful and enduring connection between two souls./