WAVR-293 [VR] The Result Is Approved When Forcibly Pushing A Senior Manager Who Weak To Demand...- Kuramoto In The Baseball Club Room- Sumire Kuramoto

Movie Information:

ID Code: WAVR-293

Release Date: 18/08/2023

Category: Censored , Underwear , VR , Female Manager , Deep Throating

Actress: Kuramoto Sumire


Studio Label: WANZ FACTORY

Online stream:



under the dazzling lights of the baseball stadium, Sumire Kuramoto stood at the helm as the esteemed manager of the city's beloved baseball team. Known for her unmatched dedication and unyielding passion, Sumire had earned the respect of both players and fans alike. Her determination was unshakable, and her commitment to the team's success was unwavering.

As the day of the championship game approached, tension gripped the team. Nerves were on edge, and players were feeling the pressure of performing on the grand stage. Sumire understood the weight of the moment and recognized the need to lift their spirits.

Gathering the team in the clubhouse before the big game, Sumire's presence radiated calmness and confidence. She addressed them with a speech that touched the core of their souls, reminding them of their journey, their hard work, and the unbreakable bond that tied them together.

"Team, today we stand on the precipice of greatness. We've fought tooth and nail to reach this moment, and I know each one of you has the heart of a champion. Remember why you fell in love with this game. Remember the camaraderie that runs through your veins. Let the joy of playing the sport you love guide you. Take a deep breath, focus on each pitch, each swing, and play like there's no tomorrow. You are warriors, and this field is your battleground. Play for each other, play for yourselves, and most importantly, play for the love of the game."

Her words were like a soothing balm, washing away their anxieties and instilling a renewed sense of purpose. Sumire then led them through a series of relaxation exercises, teaching them to embrace the moment, channel their energy, and visualize success. She showed them that even in the face of adversity, finding solace in the game itself could elevate their performance.

As the team took to the field that evening, a sense of calm had settled over them. The stadium roared with the cheers of the crowd, and Sumire watched from the dugout with a fierce determination. With each swing of the bat and every pitch thrown, the team played with a fire ignited by Sumire's unwavering belief in them.

In the end, they emerged victorious, clutching the championship trophy in their hands. The celebration was filled with joy, laughter, and a deep appreciation for the woman who had guided them to this unforgettable triumph.

For Sumire Kuramoto, being a baseball manager wasn't just about strategy and statistics; it was about inspiring her team to overcome their doubts, reminding them of their love for the game, and fostering an environment of camaraderie and determination. Her leadership had not only led them to victory on the field, but had also shown them the power of embracing the moment and finding solace in their shared passion./