AJVR-215 [8K VR] I Look At The Defenseless Body That Has Fallen Asleep Due To Drugs And Play With It, Then I Insert It Nonstop Sleeping Pussy And Cum

Movie Information:

ID Code: AJVR-215

Release Date: 03/01/2024

Category: Censored , Big boob , Married Woman , Naughty Game , VR , Cum Swallow , Voyeur , Sleep Sex

Actress: Amateur


Studio Label: Alice Japan

Online stream:



In a quiet neighborhood on the outskirts of Kyoto, where cherry blossoms graced the streets in spring, lived Yuki, a Japanese married woman whose days were steeped in routine and domestic responsibilities. Yuki, with her raven-black hair and a demeanor that exuded grace, found solace in the simple rhythms of her daily life.

Next door lived Mrs. Tanaka, an elderly neighbor whose presence had become a fixture in Yuki's life. Mrs. Tanaka, with her silver hair and a twinkle in her eyes that mirrored decades of wisdom, had a knack for weaving tales of times long past. Her stories, like a thread connecting generations, wove through the fabric of Yuki's otherwise predictable days.

The two women, separated by a shared wall and the passage of years, found an unexpected bond in the most ordinary of circumstances. It began with a casual greeting during morning strolls, evolved into shared cups of tea, and blossomed into moments of heartfelt conversation that lingered like the fragrance of blooming flowers.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the lanterns lining the streets cast a warm glow, Yuki found herself sitting on the engawa, the traditional Japanese porch, lost in conversation with Mrs. Tanaka. The rhythmic sound of a distant shakuhachi flute provided a melodic backdrop to their exchange.

Mrs. Tanaka, with a mischievous smile, began recounting tales of her youth—of cherry blossom picnics beneath the sakura trees and clandestine rendezvous that unfolded like scenes from a classic Japanese film. Yuki, captivated by the vivid imagery painted by Mrs. Tanaka's words, found herself drawn into a world where time seemed to slow, and the past and present danced in harmony.

As the conversation unfolded, Yuki realized that her initial perception of Mrs. Tanaka as a neighbor had transformed into that of a cherished friend. The moments spent in conversation, where laughter mingled with the whispers of the wind, became a source of unexpected joy in Yuki's life.

Days turned into nights, and nights into shared moments of connection. Yuki, engrossed in Mrs. Tanaka's tales, found a sense of comfort and familiarity in their exchanges. It became a routine for Yuki to sit on the engawa, sipping tea, as Mrs. Tanaka's anecdotes carried them both to a world where age was just a number, and the heart reveled in the timelessness of shared stories.

One warm summer evening, as the cicadas hummed in unison, Yuki found herself lulled by Mrs. Tanaka's storytelling. The gentle cadence of her neighbor's voice, the rustle of the wind through the leaves, and the rhythmic chirping of the crickets created a lullaby that wrapped Yuki in a cocoon of tranquility.

Unbeknownst to Yuki, her eyelids grew heavy, and the peaceful ambiance conspired to cradle her into a serene slumber. Mrs. Tanaka, noticing Yuki's quiet descent into sleep, smiled knowingly. The boundary between wakefulness and dreams blurred, and the engawa became a shared space where the passage of time held no dominion.

In the hushed quiet of the summer night, Yuki dreamed of cherry blossoms in full bloom, their petals dancing in the wind. Mrs. Tanaka's laughter echoed like a melody, and the lantern-lit streets of Kyoto transformed into a canvas where memories painted themselves in hues of nostalgia.

The next morning, Yuki awoke with a start, momentarily disoriented by the realization that she had fallen asleep on the engawa. Mrs. Tanaka, with a twinkle in her eyes, greeted her with a knowing smile.

"My dear Yuki, it seems our conversations have become so enchanting that even dreams want to join in," Mrs. Tanaka teased, her laughter resonating with the lightness of shared joy.

Yuki, blushing at the realization, chuckled in response. The engawa, where moments of conversation had seamlessly blended into moments of repose, had become a haven where the boundary between wakefulness and dreams held a magic of its own.

As the seasons cycled through their predictable dance, the bond between Yuki and Mrs. Tanaka continued to deepen. The engawa, once a mere threshold between houses, had transformed into a bridge connecting two souls across the expanse of time.

Through the gentle ebb and flow of their exchanges, Yuki discovered that the joy of talking with Mrs. Tanaka transcended the limitations of age and circumstance. The stories, shared beneath the shade of the engawa, became threads that wove a tapestry of friendship and understanding.

One autumn evening, as leaves whispered tales of change and renewal, Yuki and Mrs. Tanaka sat on the engawa, surrounded by the subtle fragrance of fallen leaves. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on their faces as the day bid farewell.

In the shared silence between words, Yuki reflected on the unexpected joy that had blossomed in her life. The engawa, witness to countless tales and quiet moments, had become a threshold not just between houses but between hearts.

As the night sky adorned itself with stars, Yuki and Mrs. Tanaka continued their tradition of shared conversations on the engawa. The stories flowed like a gentle stream, carrying with them the timeless essence of human connection.

And so, in the quiet neighborhood on the outskirts of Kyoto, where cherry blossoms heralded spring and leaves whispered secrets in the autumn breeze, Yuki's story continued—a narrative of unexpected friendships, the magic of shared moments, and the enduring joy of talking with a neighbor that transcended the boundaries of time and wakefulness./