VRKM-01155 [VR] "I'll Take Your Virginity Away ♪" A Virgin-eating Gal JK Tsubaki Rika Who Sucks Me In With The Best BODY Equipped With Bonanza Hcup

Movie Information:

ID Code: VRKM-01155

Release Date: 26/10/2023

Category: Censored , Highschool girl , Slut , Virgin Man , VR , Cum Swallow , Gals

Actress: Tsubaki Rika


Studio Label: K.M.Produce

Online stream:



Rika Tsubaki was a lady of involvement, insight, and a heart loaded with adoration. She had carried on with a daily existence loaded up with experiences, romantic tales, and heartbreaks. With the years, she had taken in the complexities of affection and the craft of building significant associations with others. Be that as it may, Rika's heart throbbed for the individuals who hadn't yet encountered the magnificence of adoration, especially a gathering of youthful, bashful, and unpracticed men who had grabbed her eye.

One night, as Rika walked around the clamoring city, she saw a gathering of young fellows clustered together, sharing their interests about their absence of heartfelt encounters. She heard their discussions loaded up with self-uncertainty, nervousness, and yearning to interface with somebody extraordinary. Her heart went out to them, and she realized she had the information and experience to help them.

The following day, Rika set out on an arrangement to direct these young fellows on their excursion to tracking down adoration. In any case, that's what she knew, to genuinely associate with them, she expected to figure out their reality better. She chose to mask herself as a secondary school JK (Joshi Kosei, a term used to portray secondary school young ladies), wanting to move toward them in a way that sounds agreeable and engaging, really.

Rika had consistently kept up with her energetic appearance, and with the right cosmetics, outfit, and disposition, she seemed to be a certified secondary school young lady. She signed up for a close by secondary school, embracing the name "Miku," and immediately became companions with a gathering of secondary school young ladies. Not set in stone to acquire their trust and submerge herself in their reality.

As "Miku," Rika noticed the elements of secondary school life. She found the patterns, the language, and the interests of the present youth. It was a test, yet her assurance to help these young fellows made a big difference for her. Rika realize that this was the best way to comprehend and associate with them genuinely.

In her double life as both "Miku" and Rika, she strived to keep an equilibrium. During school hours, she embraced the honesty and abundance of youth, while in the nights, she changed into the accomplished and savvy lady she really was. Her commitment and flexibility were amazing, and it wasn't some time before she felt prepared to move toward the young fellows who had aroused her curiosity.

At some point, while spending time with her secondary school companions, she nonchalantly referenced the modest and unpracticed young fellows she had noticed. The young ladies paid heed, their interest aroused. "Miku" shared anecdotes about the difficulties these young fellows confronted, the questions that kept them down, and the longing for affection that was in their souls.

Rika, masked as "Miku," recommended coordinating a gathering outing to a nearby park, where they could welcome the young fellows. It was a method for overcoming any barrier between the two universes and give a happy with setting to everybody to interface.

The day of the excursion showed up, and the secondary school young ladies brought along their male companions. Rika, as "Miku," mixed in consistently, offering her help and support to the young fellows. She shared accounts of her own squashes and adolescent encounters, causing them to feel more quiet.

Over the course of the day, the gathering participated in different exercises, from picnicking to messing around. Rika noticed the collaborations and made it a highlight support and guide the young fellows. She offered exhortation on the best way to start up discussions, keep in touch, and ooze certainty.

As the sun set, Rika uncovered her actual character to the young fellows. From the get go, they were shocked, however they before long understood the genuineness and graciousness behind her activities. Rika shared her own excursion of affection and misfortune, accentuating that everybody had the right to encounter the delight of association.

After some time, Rika kept on coaching the young fellows, giving them direction and daily encouragement. She urged them to act naturally, to be bold in moving toward those they were keen on, and to comprehend that affection was an excursion loaded up with the two triumphs and disappointments.

Rika's examples reached out past heartfelt associations. She underlined the significance of self-assurance, consideration, and sympathy. With her direction, the young fellows further developed their dating lives as well as developed into balanced people.

Rika's central goal to assist the unpracticed young fellows with finding love had been a resonating achievement. Her empathy and shrewdness significantly affected their lives, and they were not generally kept down by dread and uncertainty. They had figured out how to embrace the excursion of adoration with certainty and an open heart.

In her excursion as both "Miku" and Rika, she had helped other people as well as acquired a more profound appreciation for the magnificence of youth, blamelessness, and the strength of the human soul. Rika Tsubaki, the accomplished woman with a heart loaded with adoration, had contacted the existences of those she tutored, leaving an enduring tradition of empathy and direction./